Tuesday, January 20, 2015

evolution of the telephone.

     Once thought to be unsafe and or evil, social media is making a huge climb in today's "norm" for teaching. When i think back to when i was going to school we as a society could not imagine how it could be today for students Lets take a look at how social media has advanced just the telephone. As the above video suggests we have changed everything about the way we communicate. Once the telephone was just used for talking to another person perhaps down the block to around the world. Now we use such phone to not only communicate but to send information that was once unknown to a vast amount of us.

      What about all of the other things your phone does that the original phone never did like sending a letter to someone which was once only able to be done by sitting down with pen and paper,envelope and stamp, lets not forget driving or walking to the post office and than the wait....... how about the response? It could take weeks or even months. Now stores have codes you just text to a number to see if you won the prize. I'ts totally amazing if you take the time to think about it.
     USA TODAY has done a poll on uses for the modern cell phone and what we used it for several years ago versus now. when you come to think about why we use phones its interesting some people just use them to speak to another person. that's it  and they do not want to use them for anything else they are stuck in the belief of this is what a phone is for and that's it. and than you have the disabled person that has been using technology for years to speak. and than you have the everyday person who uses it for everything from an appointment setter to playing a game of words with friends \and this is their social interaction.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic hyperlink and relevant YouTube - great job on both of those skills! :) I also enjoyed your reflections related to the changes in technology as specific to the smartphone. It is truly amazing how much change has occurred in the last decade or so alone!
