Tuesday, February 3, 2015

During my time as a student I have come to understand the importance of plagiarism, copy writing and just not putting my name on someone else s work.It has been a hard road for me to unlearn the way we use to do things to now and how important it is to stand for academic honesty. I was speaking with my son a few weeks ago and found that most people in school today use google to figure things out. He suggested i stop going to regular classes and go along with the gang. As I listened to this suggestion it was hard for me to say no I will not take the so called easier softer way. I want to learn. It has been heard for me but bottom line all my work is my own. I don't use the internet to fix my laziness I use it as a way of enhancing my abilities. I don't have to cheat to win.I can just do the best I can and know the work is just that my work.

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blog post 3 digital citisenship

Defineing digital citisinship and why it is important. It is so important to define and follow the unspoken rules of digital citisinship because without it there is a mosh of anarchy and people being in the position of victim and preditor both in real life and on the internet.  as it says in in developing digital citisens of transforming learning with new technologies  by extending the concept of citisenship to include the internet this allows for the function of the interenet to be used to fully function as a vitual world to all who participate. By creating and working within the boundries for this citisenship it allows for both student and teacher to use cyberspace as an additional learning tool.

 Maloy, R., Verock-o'loughlin, Edwards, & Woolf. (2014). Understanding educational technology issues and trends. In Transforming learning with new technologies (Second ed., p. 355). Massachusetts amhurst: Pearson.



Monday, February 2, 2015

technology for teaching

<embed height='367px' width='595px' allowfullscreen='true' name='CompleeToon' wmode='transparent' id='flashobj' src='http://static.toondoo.com/ctr.swf?compleetoonId=NaN&skincolor=15264487&' type='application/x-shockwave-flash'><br>welcome to my profile page In teaching today it is pertainant to keep up with technology. As our students come to us looking for imformation on how to do things we have to be ontop of the newest technology. if we are not it leaves a gap where the kids will think they know more than us in in this they become led by their own self will. Over the years as a student I found that i wanted my teschers to be able to engage me with new ideas and concepts, when that did not happen I became disintrested in what I was being taught. This led to looking for other wys to to find answers and sometimes not even caring to strive to become better. In reading about "technology choices and student engagment I found that I could use toondoo to create and interactive cartoon strip to introduce myself to the class. i uploaded a picture and added balloon areas to speak to them and have them send me a message. In doing so it created a dialoge between teacher and student which allows for interaction to bring forth a new and creative learning envirment. Above I tried to embed a link from toondoo. I took the time to create an account and spent several hours trying to understand how to make something on this site.After many attemts and failiers i finally came up with the above. I don't know if it will work but I know I tried. I can see why alot of teachers do not use technology. It's hard to learn new things! I will contiune to try and do the best I can and hopefully you will follow along with me. I look forward to it. Maloy, R., Verock-o'loughlin, Edwards, & Woolf. (2014). Understanding educational technology issues and trends. In Transforming learning with new technologies (Second ed., p. 355). Massachusetts amhurst: Pearson.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

evolution of the telephone.

     Once thought to be unsafe and or evil, social media is making a huge climb in today's "norm" for teaching. When i think back to when i was going to school we as a society could not imagine how it could be today for students Lets take a look at how social media has advanced just the telephone. As the above video suggests we have changed everything about the way we communicate. Once the telephone was just used for talking to another person perhaps down the block to around the world. Now we use such phone to not only communicate but to send information that was once unknown to a vast amount of us.

      What about all of the other things your phone does that the original phone never did like sending a letter to someone which was once only able to be done by sitting down with pen and paper,envelope and stamp, lets not forget driving or walking to the post office and than the wait....... how about the response? It could take weeks or even months. Now stores have codes you just text to a number to see if you won the prize. I'ts totally amazing if you take the time to think about it.
     USA TODAY has done a poll on uses for the modern cell phone and what we used it for several years ago versus now. when you come to think about why we use phones its interesting some people just use them to speak to another person. that's it  and they do not want to use them for anything else they are stuck in the belief of this is what a phone is for and that's it. and than you have the disabled person that has been using technology for years to speak. and than you have the everyday person who uses it for everything from an appointment setter to playing a game of words with friends \and this is their social interaction.