Tuesday, February 3, 2015

blog post 3 digital citisenship

Defineing digital citisinship and why it is important. It is so important to define and follow the unspoken rules of digital citisinship because without it there is a mosh of anarchy and people being in the position of victim and preditor both in real life and on the internet.  as it says in in developing digital citisens of transforming learning with new technologies  by extending the concept of citisenship to include the internet this allows for the function of the interenet to be used to fully function as a vitual world to all who participate. By creating and working within the boundries for this citisenship it allows for both student and teacher to use cyberspace as an additional learning tool.

 Maloy, R., Verock-o'loughlin, Edwards, & Woolf. (2014). Understanding educational technology issues and trends. In Transforming learning with new technologies (Second ed., p. 355). Massachusetts amhurst: Pearson.



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